Sunday 12 October 2014

Please don't Put Me in a Box yet.

There will come a time when I will be placed in a box, the lid will be screwed down and I will be laid to rest or cremated! undecided as yet!
But I often get the feeling on discussion forums, twitter and Facebook & real life, that people want to put me/my life in a box, categorize me, label me, pigeon hole me, call it what you like.
I was discussing Christianity with a Jewess today for example and was categorized as a 'Replacement Theologian' because I suggested that not all Israelites are Jewish and not all Jews are practising the Jewish religion (many are secular) it wasn't the Jewess who made the accusation (calling me a replacement theologian it was someone else). I did not say I believed that the Christian Church replaced Jewry - I said we joined the Believing Jews as though 'Grafted in to the same tree' but then someone else came into the conversation and called me 'Judgemental' another 'Box category'.
I have been 'Box categorized' as Anti-Israel because I stated it was wrong for Israel to bombard Gaza. 'Anti-Israel' because I said Israel can't expect God to condone their violence toward other nations - Murdering Children.
I have been 'Box categorized' as anti-Semitic and once told I was Anti-Christ because I disagreed with a Christo-political view that the Christian church should remain linked with the state. I believe this has been one of her (the churches) downfalls since she was created.
Please don't put me in a Box. I am just (to quote Freddie Mercury)  a poor boy from a poor family. I didn't have a vast amount of education, But have been a Christian for 47 years, I love Jesus and follow the best way I can. I have had a very difficult spiritual, emotional and mental health walk over the past 20+ years since a denominational split occurred and I was left churchless! 
People have bestowed upon me 'Box Categories'  while I have been involved in other discussions. I'm learning like everyone else - I don't know everything about anything. If you can avoide 'Box Categrising me' like this in future I'd appreciate it I'm not dead yet so don't own a coffin!

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